The value of an Architect
Beyond just what Architects create, there are many reasons why Architects are valuable and important.
“Good architecture is like a good therapy session, a good marriage, a good poem – gently and almost invisibly allowing you to be you, as flawed and as beautiful as you are.”
- Robert Sullivan
Why do Architects practice Architecture?
It is always a good starting point to understand why someone chooses to do something. The insights might prove far more compelling than simply what is the end deliverables of Architects.
Understanding the world
The immense breadth and depth required to truly embody the title of an Architect is unfathomable. Beyond that, it is taking all these bodies of knowledge to implement into a physical space that speaks of the understanding of them that makes Architecture truly astounding. When it comes to pushing the status quo, Architects are one of the key researchers to bring humanity forward, in the realm of the tangible environment. It is the fine balance of many disciplines when a project is being meticulously crafted, which makes them the most enjoyable to spaces to be in.
Make the world a better place
Many Architects feel strongly about the current state of things and that there are many areas that can be improved. It is the relentless pursuit of thought, questioning and experimentation that enamours one to always look towards a better future. Of course with the hopes of working with clients whom share the same vision so reality may happen sooner than later.
Love to dream
Architects are always brimming with imagination, tinkering with ideas in their heads. For some, it is even a form of relaxation - picking up the favourite pen and sketchbook, and simply sit somewhere to observe and draw. It then evolves into iteration, exploration, and anchoring all the various ideas that floats in the mind endlessly until seized.
Creating things
Architects love being hands-on and making things. From building scale models, to woodworking, even right down to cooking. There is the yearn of figuring things out, to making things from scratch, and eventually pursuing various hobbies to perfect the craft. With this deep level of involvement in many things, it further layers the complexity even before the pen touches the paper. You may find many Architects changing hobbies all the time, purely due to the nature of the current project and the willingness to understanding the impact on the users of the eventual spaces.
Thinking differently
The natural instinct of Architects is to always ask "what-if", suggest "what-about" and strive to make ideas possible. The impact of our physical environment on our well-being is immense, which also means there are a multitude of aspects that can be tuned and improve. Yet all of this has to make sense in reality, supported by arts, science and a splash of common sense.
More often than not, Architects are always fascinated by many things. The practice itself supports these discovery process of self and the world around us. It places Architects in a position of trust, leadership and collaboration. The skills of communicating to understand and the empathy to guide decisions rides on the grit of the heart of an Architect.
What is the value of an Architect?
Before an Architect can be of value, you would have to understand if they are necessary to your project.
Vision Expert
An Architect is the expert of bringing ideas into reality and implementing them in an effective manner. This alone may be the only reason you should always engage an Architect. He is able to traverse the different languages of the various parties involved in creating the project, and ensure the alignment of their work with your vision.
Business Partner
As a master of space, the Architect is an extremely valuable business partner if your business project has to create a physical environment. The metrics of inviting people in, keeping people there and getting people to come back again, are all in control when the Architect shares your vision. It is about finding the balance between numbers on the spreadsheet and how the space can support a long-term sustainable business. Most of which may seem intuitive, but for the Architect, these can be measured and therefore crafted specifically for the desired outcome.
Regulatory Necessity
This is probably a large reason why so many Architects can still survive - you must hire them for any construction or interior projects. They are the front line experts to ensure compliance to safety standards and to ensure all parties involved in the project follow these rules.
In the end, like consulting a doctor, we engage experts to avoid potential pitfalls and prevent the need to obtain the same level of expertise through studying. We trust them for who they are, what they believe and and more importantly, what they would stand firmly for. For anything to be sustainable long term, the value delivered is always multiples of the fee. Sometimes, we just need to learn to see it.
Interestingly, my post comes after Singapore Institute of Architects' launched a value articulation framework (VAF), called Blueprint on 16 May 2024. Three main categories: design, administration, and compliance and liabilities.